Przedsiębiorstwo Przetwórstwa Rolno - Spożywczego Basso Sp. z o.o. was established in 1991. Basso is a private company with 100% Polish capital. In 1997, basing on many years of vast experience and complex knowledge of egg industry we established Egg Processing Plant that is today located in Gołkowice Dolne. From the very beginning we attached particular attention to the quality of our products. This uncompromising quality policy allowed us to enter the path of dynamic development. In June 2003 our company implemented certificate of Integrated Quality Management System ISO 9001 as well as taking care of natural environment a certificate of Integrated Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001. In June 2006 we implemented Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP).
Along with the dynamic development of our company takes place continuous modernization and development of technological and production basis. At present, our production is fully automated; washing is automatic in a CIP system and final product is stored in a high-storage warehouse or in cold storage rooms equipped in electronic temperature controls. It allows us to ensure repeatability of each production batch and to maintain high quality.
The above mentioned facts plus trust of the broad circle of our Clients has decided, that Basso company is at present one of the leading manufacturers of pulverized and liquid egg products in Poland and she starts to enter international markets as well.
The complex Clients’ service, professional consultancy, attractiveness and price flexibility, as well as speedy and on time deliveries make us reliable partner in business. Give us a chance and you will see that we will never loose your trust.