Quality control

There are no compromises as far as quality is concerned. From the very beginning, this uncompromising attitude was the priority in company’s policy and activities. That’s why we can offer you product of the highest quality standards.

In pursuance of our quality policy we implemented the following systems:

  • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

  • Integrated Quality Management System ISO 9001

  • Integrated Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001

  • International Food Standard IFS

The implementation of above mentioned systems and simultaneous application of modern production lines guarantees high quality of final products that are delivered to our Clients.

Raw materials are carefully selected - fresh eggs come only from egg suppliers that are under constant control of veterinary authorities. In addition to that, our Quality Department periodically conducts external audit of our suppliers.

Each stage of production is carefully screened and is subject to strict hygienic and sanitary regime.

We have our own laboratories equipped in specialistic equipment that allows us to make swift and precise analysis of physical and chemical parameters of our products. Each batch of products that is manufactured has all necessary quality control certificates.